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Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Up a creek with a iPad dle

Sorry for the lame pun, but it's all in good fun. Either way, it looks like Apple created yet another thing to try and dominate the market. It's pad is the size of an etch a sketch, hopefully it lasts longer. Granted, while I'm mildly excited about it I'm not about to go run out and reserve mine. I'd rather just deal with setting up my laptop thank go out, buy this and a keyboard and have another thing to fiddle with. Sides I just bought the laptop in the first place, so I'm not about to blow more money away.

Granted, has loads more information for those looking into this matter. I'm just the guy trying to stay relevant. Unlike every major news source I'm just one guy with a computer and an opinion.

I'd like to also give an update. I am looking for hosting for an actual website. I haven't figured the name out, nor gotten the rights to the domain name but I'll do my best. I need to get someone who knows dream weaver or something of the sort. A friend offered to give me a hand on setting it up, but I dunno if he's just yanking my chain on the matter. I'll probably ask my class for help first.

Either way, I'll try and sum up the iPad later tonight, but I want to at least be active in school, between classes when I have the free time.

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