Search the High Score

Monday, March 29, 2010


Yeah, so I was at the Kansas City PlanetCon all weekend and have a backlog of crap to catch up on. It bothers me that I've been out of conventions for so long, but at the same time did a sort of forced exile do to a need for increasing my maturity as well as my portfolio. This actually brought back that original instinct I developed when I was hustling the convention circuit so long ago that memories of it are now tinged with a layer of nostalgia and happiness despite the gross amount of bullshit and blunders I've had occur when I was in them.

Either way, I'm not going to blog about the con as much as the people I met there. Damont Jordan, Talent Caldwell, Rick Burchett and the slew of others who sent me e-mails and friend requests. AND YES, I did join god damn facebook. I already have gone to the hypocrite side of life and it annoys the bloody fuck out of me seeing my name on this damn website. I keep telling myself I'm doing this to stay in contact with everyone I used to know. You'll see a large amount of unknowns. Anyone LISTED in comics means I've met them at least once and they may/may not remember me.

Regardless, I'm making a post to also welcome podcast Bro and all round good dude, Erik "Ozzy" Osmera to The Highscore. It should be noted that he is a contributer and will hopefully keep this blog a little better oiled than when I was just doing it alone. I just hope we both don't neglect this and screw ourselves over. Yes I am looking for contributers, YES I am looking for reviewists! NO I can not pay anyone, I can't even pay for myself right now. So please, be kind, we are but humble gamers with very little money but big creative dreams involving world domination and COMPLETE GLOBAL SATURATION!

Taken from DeviantArt's
^Total stranger, awesome comic.

Either or, I'll admit, is tempting but first we have to get there and then we have to beat the guy in charge and THEN we can do whatever we need to. However, I think I paraphrased a bit of it.

(ph34r this emoticon)