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Friday, April 09, 2010

Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker...Now With More Ad Space!

Hideo Kojima announced this week at the Peace Walker completion ceremony that Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker will contain a large amount of in-game advertisements. With these advertisements comes some interesting new additions to the game:
  • Assassin's Creed straw dive makes it into the game.
  • Konami teams up with Sony, Walkmans can be used in-game
  • Clothing brand Uniqlo will make 10 special Peace Walker shirts, available April 26, 1,500 yen
  • Above shirts will include a code for an in-game matching shirt
  • A Monster Hunter area in-game has actual Monster Hunter monsters in it!
  • Many other Monster Hunter tie-ins: Felyne, Ration Grill Sets, co-op play of missions and more
  • In-game magazines: Famitsu, Dengeki, Shounen
  • Suntory tie-up: Mountain Dew cans in-game, 8 IRL cans released in Japan
  • Above drinks will include a code for an in-game Mountain Dew shirt (above)
  • Fritos and Doritos will appear in-game as a recovery item
  • Axe brand deodorant will appear in-game as a recovery item
The one that stands out above all else to me is the Monster Hunter team up. Having Snake hunt down some of the beasts of Monster Hunter sounds ridiculous but also very cool.


Via: Kotaku

Next Pokémon Games Announced, Due this Fall

The fifth generation of Pokémon games have been announced. Going back to their older (read:simpler) naming conventions, the games are being titled Black and White. While many a person will be making Michael Jackson meets Pokémon fanfic now, I personally love the new names.

The games are being released on the DS and are due out in Japan in the Fall. We can only assume that the North American release will be a few months later.

That is all we know so far.



Window Shopping: April 5-11, 2010

[No new releases]

Fishie Fishie
Learning with the PooYoos: Episode 2

Virtual Console
Ironclad (Neo Geo)

Guitar Hero 5 / Band Hero: Fall Out Boy tracks
Rock Band: Individual tracks

[No new releases]


Game & Watch: Helmet
Game & Watch: Manhole
Game & Watch: Vermin
Mr. Driller: Drill Till You Drop


WarioWare D.I.Y.: Suck Goo! by Ron Carmel, Big Name Games
WarioWare D.I.Y.: Ikachan! by Daisuke "Pixel" Amaya, Big Name Games

[No new releases]

[No new releases]

Xbox 360
Borderlands Double Game Add-On Pack [The Zombie Island of Dr. Ned / Mad Moxxi's Underdome Riot]


[No new releases]

Deal of the Week: Geometry Wars 2 [Gold only]
Guitar Hero 5 / Band Hero: Fall Out Boy Track Pack
Just Cause 2: Chevalier Ice Breaker
Lips: Add-on songs
Mass Effect 2: Kasumi - Stolen Memory
Mega Man 10: Bass Mode
Mega Man 10: Special Stage 1
Rock Band: Individual tracks
XBLA Inventory Blowout Sale

Games on Demand

Fable II
Kung Fu Panda
System Updates
System Update – USB Memory Support

PC / Mac
Borderlands Double Game Add-On Pack [The Zombie Island of Dr. Ned / Mad Moxxi's Underdome Riot]
Mass Effect 2: Kasumi - Stolen Memory

Apples 'n Oranges

Well, apparently critics are being paid to entertain people with gibberish and ignored for what they were originally being paid for which was to be annoying and judgmental on everything. The Apple iPad, which spawned more toilet humor jokes in a single hour on the internet launched and without even having to try, it has broken more sales records than should be legally possible. Amazon and Barnes and Noble tried their eReader and netbooks have inched out the lower tech people by giving them a notebook with downgraded specs and power at a low cost.

Having tested the iPad, I've found the familiar work of the iPod's page like system, coupled quietly with a broader sense of depth. Apple wants to make people get lost in this thing, however they're over complicating the whole thing rather quickly. Just allow it to update everything on facebook instantly and let camera whores take a million pictures and that iPad will be everyones new favorite toy to update everyone on their friends list with pictures of their muddy dog that just trashed their house. Jokes aside, I've noticed that even under graphical stress, the thing doesn't heat up like my iPod touch which BAKES the hand to which you hold it to play with.

I honestly have only found two seperate problems with this thing. One is the price, which echoes the heralded PS3's 599 US DOLLARS joke.
The other thing that is both a bad move and still going to work for no reason is the 3G support. Its not a switch you just drop in to something, its not a plug in like a socket. Apple releasing some iPads with 3G and releasing the others a little earlier with out them? Pretty stupid, but its still going to work because Apple seems to have achieved Pixar like fail proofing on all their products. History suggests people don't like being screwed out a feature they could have gotten from the get go and that's proven by Left 4 Dead 2, the sequel no one was going to play but played anyway. I remember that boycott well. It got a lot of attention and for good reason. Valve releasing a game one year after the first one? Something is up, considering Valve doesn't release a game until there's a reason to do so in its mind. Valve being a company that innovates over publishing, especially since it makes plenty of money just maintaining and having people digitally publish through Steam nowadays. Still, Apple is ignoring this and could very well fault themselves on something this stupid but they're going ahead with this 3G iPad in just a few short weeks.

Now for the orange part of the section, cause I'm tired of trying to discuss the iPad. Me and Erik were rolling around the town yesterday investigating other major releases, both videogames and other things. Movie wise, I'm still waiting on the Losers, but Kick Ass will arguably take a bigger box office draw thanks to a more liberal approach to killing everything. The Losers might hit cult status, much like another one of my favorite movies Speed Racer, which was critically panned for good reasons and bad alike. I loved the Losers as a comic book and I can only hope this movie gets a little recognition, considering it was stuck in development hell since 2003 when the comic was still releasing and Kick Ass was more recent by a wider margin. The guys on the website think the two comic book films will cancel eachother out, I honestly don't buy it. I know the Losers was obscure so only some people will know it was a comic book film and the rest will see this as a nice 2 hour action film with Zoe Saldana and that dude from Watchmen (Jeffery Dean Morgan). Kick Ass will get the same crowd but I'm more than sure a few people will be unavoidably deterred to the gratuitous amounts of violence involving young kids and giant men dressed in black. I think the conservative nature of the Losers might make it a more successful picture thanks simply to lessened need to be overly controversial. I'll see both just to enjoy myself.

Game wise, Erik and my other friend Kyle (The Final Boss) both made interesting and astute observations concerning the game releases. It's been nearly a month of drought, oddities for sure, considering the rigorous release schedule games have been on since January, starting with Bayonetta. Between Monster Hunter Tri for the Wii and Super Street Fighter that's another Capcom dominated month. However, I actually got jumped by Splinter Cell, releasing for the 360 as well, which I forgot about thanks to the fact that it took double the regular time to actually release cause Sam Fisher looked like a hobo and that pissed too many people off. Still, I look at the summer and once again get this feeling of being barren. Again, I'm reminded of the beautiful marketing on Grand Theft Auto 4 which released just a week or two before school got out which left people playing it nearly all summer thanks to a huge gap in between games.

Pretty bad ass strategy. Still, I just hope the drought of the games over the summer doesn't effect me too much, I got a lot riding on the success of Super Street Fighter 4.


Wednesday, April 07, 2010

Possible Marvel vs Capcom 3 in Development

Everyone probably remembers when Super Street Fighter 4 was announced about a certain 'list' of characters that were going to be in it. Unconfirmed and quietly, the list dissappeared from most of the internet, yet the list itself (Which I read and saved) proved 100 percent accurate. The characters on said list did appear and now the same people have said that Marvel vs Capcom 3 will likely be announced in May. You gotta be joking Drew, you say in that tone of raised eyebrows and crossed arms. Look, while a one for one is not hard to base on random luck, why don't you read it from the people who said it?

We might have a fighting game christmas if this releases this year. Between SSf4 and BlazBlue: Continuum Shift in July, I need to get to work on grabbing one of those joysticks...

Monday, April 05, 2010

The Podcast is live

god help us all. I just hope we don't get attacked by angry soccer moms and crazed Xbox fan boys. I don't think I this blog can repel a force of that magnitude.

Sunday, April 04, 2010

Super Street Fighter 4

It is no secret that I originally didn't care about fighting games for the longest time. I know why now, it was cause I was afraid of losing, getting my ass kicked and ultimately be humiliated. I'd been humiliated a lot in my younger childhood, being manipulated, backstabbed and laughed at too many times by most of my peers. It took a multitude of things to get me to pick a controller and actually throw down.

Yeah, my last post on deviantart is about Street Fighter 4. It was one of the biggest steps, the other was my friend pulling me into a fighter with Street Fighter 3. It's funny, after I got comfortable, I began to throw down a lot harder and actually get good. In SF4, I rolled with Sakura, who was a nice cross of Ken and Ryu with out being too flowchartish and annoying. Please refer to this picture when I talk about flowcharts.

Regardless, when Super Street Fighter 4 was announced, I couldn't care less. Nothing really jumped out at me, my friend Kyle had already made a guess that they would release something like this. We both shrugged and went back to Street Fighter 3 and played our typical mains of Makoto and Dudley. It is no small coincidence nor irony that we get these two characters in this iteration. I remember the phone call vividly, Kyle being out of breath, he was in shock clearly. He informed me of the announcement of the Street Fither 3 characters being announced in Super Street Fighter 4. My interest exploded that very instant. Makoto's involvement has made me interested but the multitude of other characters have been cropping in interest. It's a feat to actually get me to jones for a game, like REALLY jones for it.

With team battles, the SF3 characters, the lowered price, I really can't say no. Kyle and Me are already back into fighting games like we're addicted, especially with Street Fighter 3 again. I'm plotting to get an arcade stick so I don't get blisters anymore. I know that I try to keep myself from getting hyped up for games, but I guess once in a while, giving into it is not so bad.

PSN: simsarOO

I'll be on PS3 version, friends and rivals welcome to anyone looking to help me improve my skills as well as yours.


P.S. I've been having format issues, so forgive the posts being jumbled, blogger has a way of just eating a bowl of retard flakes before working properly.