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Monday, April 12, 2010

Trophy Hunter: Uncharted 2: Among Thieves



- Estimated trophy difficulty: 4.5/10
- Offline: 46
- Online: 2 Required

- Approximate time to Platinum: 15-20 hours.
- Minimum playthroughs: 2
- Missable trophies: 0
- Glitched trophies: 0
- Do cheats disable trophies?: No
- Does difficulty affect trophies?: Only the Charted! trophies
- Trophy breakdown for
Platinum: B: 36/S: 8/G: 3/P: 1

Step One: Hard playthrough with Treasures
Just play through the game on hard and enjoy it. This is the playthrough to get all of your treasures. I suggest printing out a checklist of all of the treasure locations and just mark them off one by one as you get them. There are 101 treasures in the game (counting the Secret Relic) and many are easy to miss unless you have a list. I also suggest using Rooster Teeth's videos for treasure locations on YouTube as they detail out 20 treasures at a time (and they are quite entertaining too!).

The other thing you should think about while playing is the combat trophies and weapon trophies. Always try to use a gun that you have yet to get a trophy for. Most likely, you can forget about getting the "200 Kills: GAU - 19" during your two playthroughs, so I suggest you leave that one for Step Five. Also try to kill 75 enemies in a row without dying for the "Survivor" trophy on this playthrough. If you miss the Survivor trophy don't fret because you can pick it up also in Step Five. As you play try getting headshots as much as possible as it is the quickest way to kill enemies as well as it gets you closer to the 250 Headshots trophy.


The sequences that will give you the most trouble in this and the Crushing playthrough are most likely:
-The first helicopter fight
-The train sequence's helicopter section
The Lt. Draza fight
-The bridge section at the monastery where you must take out the snipers and deal with a RPG
-*possibly* The Lazarevic fight
Just be persistent and you will eventually get past them.
Step Two: Combat Trophies
Now it's time to take a look at the combat trophies you didn't get in step one. Go through the chapter select and choose chapters that you feel comfortable getting the trophies in. Feel free to play on very easy for these trophies.
Step Three: Online
There are only two online trophies required for the platinum in this game, and they are both fast to get. Play one round of competitive multiplayer and one round of Co-op multiplayer, you do not need to win the matches in order to receive the trophies.
Step Four: Crushing Playthrough
Now it's time to tackle Crushing. Don't worry about getting any other trophies in this playthrough, just focus on getting through the game. My biggest hint I can give you for your Crushing playthrough is to use cover and play smart. Think of Crushing as more of a puzzle game because you need to figure out the order that goons need to be killed as well as all of the spawn locations.

Also... headshots, headshots, headshots!
Step Five: Clean-up Weapon Trophies
When finishing crushing, you might still need one or more weapon trophies. 200 Kills with the GAU is easy to miss. Just buy any missing guns from the store along with infinite ammo and one shot kills. Then use chapter select to get the last weapon trophies. There is one location in chapter 19 that is perfect for getting all the kills you need as there is an infinitely spawning soldier. After the part of the level where you rescue a man being attacked by a soldier, go to the right and climb up the building across from the turret (there should be haystacks on the roof). Sit on the roof and kill all of the soldiers, kill the turret gunner, now watch to the right of the turret on the ground for a soldier running to replace the downed gunner. That soldier is on an infinite respawn as long as you stay on the roof with the haystacks. When you jump off the roof he will stop respawning.

Well hopefully this guide can set you on the path to platinum. Good luck and Happy Hunting.


New Section: Trophy Hunter

I have come up with a new segment that will go up weekly. The segment will be called "Trophy Hunter". Each week I will delve into a game from my collection and try to platinum it. I will then guide you through the quickest way to achieve the platinum. I will detail out how many playthroughs, how long it took, and how many trophies you will gain in the process. I might do miniature posts during the week for PSN titles that have no platinum and can be 100% in a playthrough or two. I will head each segment off with a large spoiler warning because I will be going fairly in depth into some strategies.

I have made a new PSN ID for this venture so I can start out fresh: Ie_OI (the "I" are capital "i"). Feel free to add me if you wish to track my trophies and get a sneak peak at the next weeks game.

My first segment will be on Uncharted 2: Among Thieves.

Happy Hunting

Get your Portable ID!


Super Street Fighter 4 and

So, I was hoping to get the Dojo edition of street fighter 4 but I waited to long to get it and have since missed my chance. I'll altogether annoyed because I should have did it the minute it crossed my mind but I waited to get Dad's permission to use the credit card and his fucking waffling on the subject has since screwed me over, thus no Dojo edition. So I settle for what everyone else gets unless I magically run across this at a con or something on ebay becomes god damned affordable. I'm more pissed because I had it in the cart on the shop for over a week and it dissappeared. Shit stays in your cart on Amazon forEVER yet this dissappears. Kind of annoying, I thought I had it reserved.

Anyway, so if you haven't noticed, the Highscore has a sister site on now. Both blogs offer their own good and bads but hopefully I'll begin to find a way to make the network co-exist together seamlessly with some work and skill. I just hope we start getting some comments and love from the community, seeing as we're probably on the bottom of the barrel when it comes to internet hits. Some people probable hit these pages for porn or something obscure and get this wild blog about games and stuff.

I also mention SRK because their forum is retarded. If you sign up to make posts, you don't have permission to post and have to wait for an unknown amount of time at the moment before you get a chance. Better yet you can't read AYTHING because you don't have permission. I'm not joking, GUESTS have more permission than people who register. What kind of shit is that? Regardless, there's not a lot to talk about, except Splinter Cell: Conviction which will be out tomorrow. Knowing Erik he'll be taking the game down a peg maybe.

Small update, sorry for the lack there of.


P.S. site doesn't let me do the colonD they actually hve emoticons... damn that's weak.