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Thursday, February 04, 2010

Heads up

It's Thursday and I messed up and didn't update for two days. Oops.

So, Tuesday marked new games, though its inexplicably lighter than last week with Tatsunoko, Mag, Mass Effect and No More Heroes another game I was plotting to get, White Knight Chronicles released so quietly that I even forgot about it till I sauntered into a Gamestop.

Also, I'd like to update, I am now working for popzara press, they're an upstart online website that operates a little bit out of town. I'm working as a contributor for the moment, they're promising a scratch their back, scratch my back type of deal which I can deal with for the moment. They had me review a game which was free though 2 dollars isn't mind numbly great to begin with, it was free.

White Knight Chronicles is awesome for the record, its probably what Dragon Age: Origins SHOULD HAVE BEEN! Hate me all you want, but that game DID suck and I will never stop beating on it. I guess me and the mainstream popular RPGs will never stop hating one another and I can live with them not liking me, but can they do the same is something you ought to ask yourself?

Either way, Wednesday was suppose to be review day, but I really don't have enough gathered to review anything. Today is Thursday, I'd like to shine a spot light on Capcom's website. It's like Blogger but with points. They give you a blog, video hosting, image hosting and they reward you for being active. I gotta admit, its a pretty sweet deal. I really was pissed off though since the forum reminded me that I never got any trading cards for Tatsunoko vs. Capcom. I really do want a Jun the Swan card considering.

Friday is of course dead day, I'll recap some stuff or do something interesting. Saturday I'll be busy working on stuff for Popzara and Sunday is Super Bowl, and I know the saints will win, I saw in a dream okay, IT WILL HAPPEN.

Well, I won't bore you all with more, but I'll see you around if any of you actually READ this blog. You know who you are. >_> <_<


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