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Sunday, April 04, 2010

Super Street Fighter 4

It is no secret that I originally didn't care about fighting games for the longest time. I know why now, it was cause I was afraid of losing, getting my ass kicked and ultimately be humiliated. I'd been humiliated a lot in my younger childhood, being manipulated, backstabbed and laughed at too many times by most of my peers. It took a multitude of things to get me to pick a controller and actually throw down.

Yeah, my last post on deviantart is about Street Fighter 4. It was one of the biggest steps, the other was my friend pulling me into a fighter with Street Fighter 3. It's funny, after I got comfortable, I began to throw down a lot harder and actually get good. In SF4, I rolled with Sakura, who was a nice cross of Ken and Ryu with out being too flowchartish and annoying. Please refer to this picture when I talk about flowcharts.

Regardless, when Super Street Fighter 4 was announced, I couldn't care less. Nothing really jumped out at me, my friend Kyle had already made a guess that they would release something like this. We both shrugged and went back to Street Fighter 3 and played our typical mains of Makoto and Dudley. It is no small coincidence nor irony that we get these two characters in this iteration. I remember the phone call vividly, Kyle being out of breath, he was in shock clearly. He informed me of the announcement of the Street Fither 3 characters being announced in Super Street Fighter 4. My interest exploded that very instant. Makoto's involvement has made me interested but the multitude of other characters have been cropping in interest. It's a feat to actually get me to jones for a game, like REALLY jones for it.

With team battles, the SF3 characters, the lowered price, I really can't say no. Kyle and Me are already back into fighting games like we're addicted, especially with Street Fighter 3 again. I'm plotting to get an arcade stick so I don't get blisters anymore. I know that I try to keep myself from getting hyped up for games, but I guess once in a while, giving into it is not so bad.

PSN: simsarOO

I'll be on PS3 version, friends and rivals welcome to anyone looking to help me improve my skills as well as yours.


P.S. I've been having format issues, so forgive the posts being jumbled, blogger has a way of just eating a bowl of retard flakes before working properly.

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