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Friday, March 26, 2010

More Work/Less Time = More Fun

I'm known for making only a handful of sense when I need to, so don't crack your brain or bust your butt trying to make sense of that title. It's why I'm here. I've been entertaining a few ideas about what I really enjoy and what I love to do and counterbalanced them with my lazy and unproductive personality. Honestly, it's kind of hard to balance not wanting to get up until eleven in the morning with wanting to make so much stuff for people to have and enjoy for themselves.

For me, I've always enjoyed entertaining people, be it a small crowd of friends or an entire room of strangers, I never get tired so long as I can get a laugh and a smile from people. This leads to a lot of strange looks from people as I am extremely eccentric when it comes to my habits. I'm a constant attention whore if the mood strikes me but you'll find I'm so fiercely loyal and nice to a fault that its usually the eccentric side that saves my bacon from getting served up most of the time. People write this off as pure ego, which i do have, but having gone well over 17 years without said ego and finally growing one of my very own, I'm not about to part with it.

This ego and this perseverance have arguably shoved me forward despite my laziness and procrastination roadblocking me on several different occasions. More so, I've pushed others forward and showed them what they're really capable of thanks to this stupidity and egotism I have about myself. I guess when I boil it all down and look at the bear bones, my true skills lie in finding people and inspiring them to be what they dreamed of. I rarely play muse to myself as I think most of my ideas are sub par, my catalyst is the duoship of a friend that really sends me forward into creativity's bosom. Its in that bosom that ideas just free flow out of me, bad or good, they're creative.

This effect can also be achieved by simple challenges which force me to use what I have in my arsenal at said time to overcome and defeat the challenge. Granted this is usually solved in simplistic ways like throwing money at it or ignoring it till it goes away. On rare occasions however, I've found myself improvising and making things up that are based on lies so extreme that its nigh impossible to buy into the very notion of belief. Yet people believe me and then I am forced to make the lie the reality and make the truth the lie. Irony and me are good friends if you ever meet me in real life.

Still, work more/less time means I'm taking on more work so I will have less time. Work can be fun though, especially when its something you love. The podcast is going strong and like I said I' lazy and have yet to actually get off my ass and do what needs to be done. Second off, I'm working on doing a Webcomic soon enough. My podcast co-host is getting equally shafted by said newspaper I will not mention. he's also entertaining the idea of loading up comics. I'm still working out a schedule, script, plot, characters but I have one setting I'm certain of.The story will be set at an apartment and it will not be as gay as friends and I will promise to keep it real as much as humanly possible while including the most absurdist humor I possibly can.

I take my inspiration from the strips of Penny-Arcade, Megatokyo and PvP Online. All three are still running ater ten years, each maintaining their own little worlds and work endlessly to co-exist with large amount of new contentand artists trying to break everyone of them. Granted with so many people more obsessed with Facebook and Farmkill (This mispelling is intention), I figure this comic has about a good a chance as any. It will be hand drawn, I'm not too sure about color. I'd love to do so, but its not my decision.

Either way, I'm plotting the story as I speak, its based loosely off me and my friends real lives yet crossed over with some of our more inane banters. Hopefully I can make this be something more than yet another failed attempt at grabbing attention.




Popzara (politely) asked I make mention of a major contest they are holding on their website. Its not PAX as that has started today and my Editor is hopefully not fixing to hang himself today. Its a contest concerning a load of anime from this website called check out link for some heads up.

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