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Friday, March 12, 2010

Final Fantasy 13 (The third 5 Hours)

I'm getting a kick of putting these things into hours. It really gives me a modular assessment of time. Regardless, I'll get right on topic for those reading.

When we last left off, Snow and Hope had fallen off an edge. Snow wakes up and carries Hope through the area in true do or die fashion while Lightning and Fang both make their way through the city. Fang is still apologetic to Lightning but isn't worried much for Snow. Meanwhile, Snow finally collapses after hauling Hope up a ladder. Hope wakes up and realizes what Snow has been doing and again tries half heartedly to be angry at him. The conversation turns as Hope continually attack him for his running away from his guilt and Snow admits it. He says he'll do everything he can to make it right before ever apologizing to Hope for this whole matter. Hope realizes that Snow isn't as stupid as he thought and forgives him. A monster descends and attacks Hope and Snow but Snow gets knocked cold due to previous injuries from the fall compounded by getting hit with a giant limb.

Hope battles it out until Lightning and Fang arrive after seeing the commotion. They defeat the hulking beast and arrive at Hope's home. He's still worried about what his dad will say. When his father sees them, they have a scene of reunion before Hope drops the bomb. The fathr is busted up by the matter but ultimately gets stalwart with his son, proud that he's making choices for himself. His resolve is only strengthened by Snow telling him what his wife told Snow to get Hope back home. The whole scene is cut short thanks to the idiot running the military of Palumpolum showing up. Snow steps out and tries to convince the soldiers that l'Cie are people too and that they're not trying to do anything to destory Cocoon. Some of the soldiers buy it but the leader scoffs and tells them to get ready to open fire.

Gas grenades get thrown from behind and in the confusion the leader is shot to death. Snow, still weak can't fight and Lightning and company take stride with Hope taking a jab saying he'll throw a few shots for Snow. The airship the troops came from take aim at the party and the ensuing battle the party tears it apart piece by piece. The cavalry arrives and gets everyone aboard. Lightning orders Hope to tie up his dad and say they forced him to help them to keep him from getting caught up in the matter Hope and his father say good-bye one more time and the party runs.

Meanwhile, in the city of Nautilius, Sazh and Vanille arrive by boat. A major parade is about to start and Sazh takes her to it. Since it's been said prior, Vanille is from Pulse and is mildly shocked by how people are truly scared of the world below them. She sees a bit of her focus again, though again nothing is truly explained in it, just images. Sazh starts to realize something is getting her down but can't put his finger on it. They go to see the Chocobos. Just like Hope and his dad, things are not left to settle as the army shows up and attacks once again. It's hard to believe at first but the game throws a hard curveball and drops me. The military is using Sazh's son to hunt his father and the rest as Dajh is able to find Pulse energy. Sazh wigs out and hugs his son but Dajh turns to Crystal just like Serah. In pure grief, Sazh is ready to kill anyone. The woman who hasn't been named but is more stuck up than a shirt washed in pure starch spills everything. She shows Sazh a video of Vanille and Fang talking about attacking the fal'Cie in Bodhum where Sazh and Dajh were on vacation. Sazh realizes this is all Vanille's fault. Vanille runs off, trying to escape this matter once again. She sees a throne randomly and on it is Sazh but he's a spirit. he points his gun and shoots ethereal bullets at Vanille telling her she should die.

On the floor, Vanille looks up and sees Sazh, the real one looking at her. He pulls out his gun but he can't bring himself to shoot her. Wild with grief and unable to do anything to get rid of his rage, his Eidolon surfaces. He takes everything he has and attacks, with Vanille helping him to spite herself somewhat. After he defeats it, he collapses from the weight of the situation. He takes out a pistol and puts it to the side of his head. The screen goes black and you hear a gun shot. Vanille is taken away along with Sazh in a coffin or something with the woman making a remark.

This remark can be seen here, but this is actually a funnier video of it. :D LINK

The rest of the party sees a video on the news of a live execution of the l'Cie, a.k.a. Sazh and Vanille. Lightning remarks that it's a trap and the two of them are the bit. Fang chimes in saying that she lost Vanille once, and isn't about to lose her again. Snow puts on his smile and says he could care less, he just wants to stick it to the Sanctum but they might need a plan. The newscaster remarks that the figurehed of the Sanctum will also be in attendance which solidifies Lightning's need to throw herself at this suicide mission.

I'll cut off there for now. Yes I know, that seems rather short but trust me, there's a lot to chew on that I'm cutting and summarizing. The real twist was Sazh's dilemma and ultimate crushing defeat. Vanille really has proven how deep she is despite her bubbly personality which I originally thought would grate on me. The game continues to deliver and I'm more than certain that the next ew chapters things are going to drop off but it looks like I'm about five to ten hours away from beating the game outright. They say I've nearly reached half way but I'm willing to bet I'm lot further than that.

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